Oasis Les Jardins | Les Sables d'Olonne, Vendée
Oasis les Jardins - Villas with private swimming pools in Vendée


Oasis Resorts

Name and address

Oasis Resorts Head Office (Holiday Homes BV)
Catharijnesingel 55A
3511 GD Utrecht
The Netherlands

Contact information

E-Mail: info@oasisresorts.com
Tel.: +31(0)30-208 3050


Following you find the Handelsregisternummer and VAT identification number of our resorts.

Oasis Resorts

PURE Resorts Austria

"Regulation (EU) on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes" in accordance with article 14 paragraph 1 ODR-VR:

The EU-Commission offers the possibility to the Regulation (EU) on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes on one of their powered platforms (so called "OS platform"). The OS platform can serve as a central point for the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising out of online sales contracts or service management contracts. The external link to this platform is: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr